Spring Newsletter – Home Alone Edition
New in our store this month are Gil Bailie’s Reflections on T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral and The Hollow Men. Our donors who support our efforts with gifts of $5 per month ($60/yr) or more will receive a complimentary copy of the five part Murder in the Cathedral series in May and June. And our Sustaining Donors who generously provide us with gifts of $25 per month ($300/yr) or more will be mailed the complete 5CD set in June as well as the MP3s. Our donors receive at least 12 complimentary CDs and or MP3s in a year. Please join them in supporting our efforts if you are able.
We and our families, are well and currently making do under the circumstances of enforced isolation. The work of the Cornerstone Forum continues amid the disruptions and distractions. We both have close family members who provide medical care to our community for whom we pray daily. Also, in our prayers are all our faithful donors and supporters. In these days we are even more aware of the great blessing we receive through our friends and supporters.
As we look ahead, we understand that the financial stress caused by the current economic turmoil many are encountering will reduce their ability to materially support our work. God help us all as we strive to continue the work we have been given.
Finally, please take a few moments in this Easter season to read Gil’s extended notes on Hope in this time of pandemic.