Spooky Halloween Pre-Election Non-Endorsements…God Help Us!

The Cornerstone Forum does not make political endorsements. As a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization we are not allowed to “participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”
In any case, it is doubtful that anyone would come to us seeking direction in this regard. However, as citizens with family and friends who have expressed support for one candidate or another over these past tumultuous months, we understand that much is at stake and take seriously our civic duty to vote.
Today in the United States of America we prepare for the quadrennial privilege of choosing the elected officials who will lead the nation beginning next year there is a sense of foreboding that, like four years ago, things might not go well. In such circumstances it behooves those of us who wish the best for our country to pray for a peaceful outcome, or absent this, to endure whatever trials that may come with courage and grace while continuing to pray for a restoration of peace and tranquility among all parties.
We here at The Cornerstone Forum continue to promote the work Gil Bailie has done and continues to do integrating René Girard’s mimetic hypothesis and Catholic theology while also exploring new opportunities to bring these insights into the Catholic/Christian Classical educational curriculum. We are blessed with many faithful supporters and donors who have enabled our apostolate to continue for over thirty years. And we hope to continue this work in the coming year, but we will need your help. Our Fall Appeal will be sent to all our friends next month. We ask that you look favorably on our request for support and to pray for us as we face the days ahead.