12Apr Alleluia! Christ is Risen! April 12, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Vonn Hartung shares a beautiful 10 minute meditation on the Stations of the Resurrection – the Via Lucis. Easter blessings!Read more
08Apr Memento mori April 8, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Remember that you too shall one day die… We come to the end of the time of Lent on Holy...Read more
05Apr Another entrée into Holy Week April 5, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog The Man Born to Be King, published toward the end of Dorothy Sayers’s prolific career, is a faithful account of...Read more
03Apr Preparing for Holy Week in isolation… April 3, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog We began Lent with a meditation by the late Dominican priest, Fr. Michael Morris, OP, on the Pieter Bruegel the...Read more
28Mar Some malady is coming upon us… March 28, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog from T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral – Part 1 But mostly we are left to our own devices....Read more
27Mar Virtual Via Dolorosa March 27, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog By following the link in the image above we may experience the traditional Lenten reflection on the Stations of the...Read more
16Mar A Viral Hegemonic Discourse March 16, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Over the past weeks it has been amazing to see how quickly our focus has shifted from what seemed at...Read more
24Feb Preparation for Lent February 24, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog +Fr. Michael Morris, OP provides a beautiful introduction to the Lenten season in a reflection on the Elder Peter Bruegel’s...Read more
06Jan Gil Bailie Interviewed on The Patrick Coffin Show January 6, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Recently Patrick Coffin released on YouTube and his website an interview with Gil Bailie recorded in the Fall of 2019....Read more
22Dec A Girard Christmas Card December 22, 2019 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog This excerpt from the Hoover Institute’s Uncommon Knowledge series in which Peter Robinson interviews René Girard was recorded in 2010....Read more
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Memento mori
Another entrée into Holy Week
Preparing for Holy Week in isolation…
Some malady is coming upon us…
Virtual Via Dolorosa
A Viral Hegemonic Discourse
Preparation for Lent
Gil Bailie Interviewed on The Patrick Coffin Show
A Girard Christmas Card