28Nov A Civilizational Crisis November 28, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog Bari Weiss delivered a lecture at The Federalist Society * on November 10, 2023, in which she gave what I...Read more
26Aug Preserving a Nation . . . August 26, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog “The value of the nation is elevated through Christianity, insofar as the higher value of the ‘individual, ‘ the person,...Read more
03Aug Prophetic insight by Giorgio Agamben August 3, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog Written in 2010, Agamben’s comments – though admittedly complex – are profoundly insightful and, sadly, prophetic. “With the eclipse of...Read more
13Jun Attempting to be wiser than God made us . . . June 13, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog “The greatest risk will result from attempting to be wiser than God has made us, and to outstep in the...Read more
19Apr November 1940: A Distant Mirror April 19, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog In the years leading up to the Nazi era, Theodor Haecker published his “Vergil: Father of the West.” In the...Read more
28Mar The Middle Coming of Christ and René Girard March 28, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog For Benedict XVI, the Second Coming of Christ occurs, not only in a final and definitive form, but also in...Read more
21Feb Truth as the Reigning Principle February 21, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog Today’s prize for the combination of breadth and depth goes once again to Joseph Ratzinger, whose 1985 analysis of our...Read more
11Feb True and False, Good and Evil February 11, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog One of the many salient insights to which Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger often alluded was his conviction that when we cease...Read more
02Feb Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, 1985 February 2, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog “The loss of the humility of being leads to the emergence of a perverse kind of humility, one in which...Read more
07Jan The Saintly Benedict XVI January 7, 2023 Gil Bailie Blog I devote a great deal of my morning spiritual reading to rereading books that have become dear to me, many...Read more
A Civilizational Crisis
Preserving a Nation . . .
Prophetic insight by Giorgio Agamben
Attempting to be wiser than God made us . . .
November 1940: A Distant Mirror
The Middle Coming of Christ and René Girard
Truth as the Reigning Principle
True and False, Good and Evil
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, 1985
The Saintly Benedict XVI