12Jun Naive optimism June 12, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Naive optimism has been the persistent flaw in the very idea of “modernity” and in the Liberalism that served as...Read more
10Jun An important message from my friend Bill May June 10, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “We are facing a campaign of intimidation that is corrupting the understanding of love, marriage and sexuality for our children...Read more
09Jun How to Escape the Age of Mass Delusion June 9, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Stella Morabito has written a “must read” article. It is about much more than just the current madness coming from...Read more
07Jun A Sunday Afternoon Thought . . . June 7, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Russell Shaw: “The persecution of the Catholic Church and other morally conservative religious bodies has begun in the United States....Read more
07Jun A Sunday morning thought . . . June 7, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog The great French theologian, Henri de Lubac, insisted that Christianity is deeply paradoxical. Here’s one of the paradoxes from an...Read more
05Jun Training in Christianity June 5, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Søren Kierkegaard (whom I’m re-reading of late) has left a message in a bottle (so to speak) for Nancy Pelosi...Read more
05Jun Are You Prepared for the Coming Persecution? June 5, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was murdered by the Nazis, wrote in his haunting book, The Cost of Discipleship, ‘When Christ...Read more
04Jun A word from Soren Kirkegaard… June 4, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “What one especially praises in Christ is precisely what one would be most embittered by if one were contemporary with...Read more
04Jun Obama and the Culture War Endgame June 4, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “Once again we see the curious, but predictable inversion. The people who began by denying radically any grounds for casting...Read more
03Jun The Right Side of History June 3, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Those who prattle on about being on the right side of history are the Pied Pipers who are leading us...Read more
Naive optimism
An important message from my friend Bill May
How to Escape the Age of Mass Delusion
A Sunday Afternoon Thought . . .
A Sunday morning thought . . .
Training in Christianity
Are You Prepared for the Coming Persecution?
A word from Soren Kirkegaard…
Obama and the Culture War Endgame
The Right Side of History