04Jan Henri de Lubac January 4, 2022 Gil Bailie Blog Henri de Lubac All has taken place as if the normal domain of man, even the believing man, were the...Read more
04Dec Progress, Religion, and Technology December 4, 2021 Gil Bailie Blog In a lecture on the work of historian Christopher Dawson given in 1993, Russell Hittinger wrote: “From his first published...Read more
18Nov Like an epidemic November 18, 2021 Gil Bailie Blog “There are certain times when one sees springing up in every direction the symptoms of an evil which catches on...Read more
01Nov Losing your head November 1, 2021 Gil Bailie Blog “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you …” Rudyard...Read more
30May Democracy Devoid of the Sacred May 30, 2021 Gil Bailie Blog The desacralizing effect of the Jewish and Christian revelation which René Girard so masterfully explicated is not to be confused...Read more
09Dec Educating the young December 9, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog Try to guess when the following observation was made: … the more completely secularized public education becomes . . ....Read more
06Dec Sobering Advice December 6, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog For if each individual allows himself to be led by his personal whim, and betakes himself to what pleases him...Read more
02Nov Election Day Thoughts November 2, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “Cultures are constituted by the union of the living and the dead in rituals of living memory. Never before …...Read more
29Sep The Act of Contemplation September 29, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog In whatever ‘fire storms’ one finds oneself in these days (and we have just come through another literal one here...Read more
28Aug Cancel Culture…draining the drama of meaning August 28, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “Since satisfactory answers have not been found apart from Christ, there is an attempt today to cancel the questions or...Read more
Henri de Lubac
Progress, Religion, and Technology
Like an epidemic
Losing your head
Democracy Devoid of the Sacred
Educating the young
Sobering Advice
Election Day Thoughts
The Act of Contemplation
Cancel Culture…draining the drama of meaning