24Apr Standing in awe . . . April 24, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog Imagine reading a splendid poem – using the adjective with all its richness – and being “struck” by its loveliness....Read more
17Apr Modification of Mortification April 17, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “The modification in the spiritual attitude that is contained in this transition from patristic to modern piety can be described...Read more
25Mar Western Genius March 25, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog It is a good time to recall what the Stanford professor Robert Harrison has written in his fine book Juvenescence...Read more
23Mar Imagine…a virus stalking through the modern State March 23, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog On a virus of a different sort, no less mortally lethal and considerably more morally so: About the fate of...Read more
21Mar Love your neighbor as yourself… March 21, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “In vain we shall search the world before Christ for this kind of outlook of man on his fellow man;...Read more
05Mar Enthusiastically Ecclesisatic… March 5, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog Henri de Lubac “For myself,” said Origen, “I desire to be truly ecclesiastic.” He thought – and rightly – that...Read more
19Feb Beauty’s vengence February 19, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “Our situation today shows that beauty demands for itself at least as much courage and decision as do truth and...Read more
18Feb Memory and Tradition February 18, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “The appeal to tradition is not a mere remembrance of the past; it involves rather the recognition of a cultural...Read more
12Feb False Prophets February 12, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “A false prophet is not one who predicts false things, but one whose guiding principle is not true … one...Read more
07Feb Turning Ourselves into Gifts February 7, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “The modern world insidiously brings back forms of self-enslavement from which Western society had largely escaped during the Christian centuries.”...Read more
Standing in awe . . .
Modification of Mortification
Western Genius
Imagine…a virus stalking through the modern State
Love your neighbor as yourself…
Enthusiastically Ecclesisatic…
Beauty’s vengence
Memory and Tradition
False Prophets
Turning Ourselves into Gifts