15Jun Scapegoats and the crisis of distinctions June 15, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog While many people cite René Girard’s mimetic theory in order to champion the cause of scapegoats — real ones as...Read more
15Jun Vice is a monster of so frightful mien… June 15, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated, needs but to be seen; Yet seen too...Read more
15Jun The nature of the Church… June 15, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “It is in the nature of the Church to provoke the anger and attack of the world.” Hilaire Belloc, who...Read more
14Jun We live in an effeminate day June 14, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “We live in an effeminate day. We slander our fathers, and hug ourselves for doing it. It costs us nothing...Read more
13Jun You Will Be Assimilated June 13, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Reasonable people – especially those who have suffered racial discrimination – realize that the attempt by the sexual revolutionaries to...Read more
12Jun Naive optimism June 12, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Naive optimism has been the persistent flaw in the very idea of “modernity” and in the Liberalism that served as...Read more
10Jun An important message from my friend Bill May June 10, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “We are facing a campaign of intimidation that is corrupting the understanding of love, marriage and sexuality for our children...Read more
09Jun How to Escape the Age of Mass Delusion June 9, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Stella Morabito has written a “must read” article. It is about much more than just the current madness coming from...Read more
07Jun A Sunday Afternoon Thought . . . June 7, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog Russell Shaw: “The persecution of the Catholic Church and other morally conservative religious bodies has begun in the United States....Read more
07Jun A Sunday morning thought . . . June 7, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog The great French theologian, Henri de Lubac, insisted that Christianity is deeply paradoxical. Here’s one of the paradoxes from an...Read more
Scapegoats and the crisis of distinctions
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien…
The nature of the Church…
We live in an effeminate day
You Will Be Assimilated
Naive optimism
An important message from my friend Bill May
How to Escape the Age of Mass Delusion
A Sunday Afternoon Thought . . .
A Sunday morning thought . . .