Now CDs come with free MP3s
The Cornerstone Forum webstore is now adopting the ‘industry standard’ for online sales of audio materials. All sales of CDs will come with free downloadable MP3 audio files. When a customer completes an order for any CD material from our webstore they will receive an email receipt containing a link to a downloadable MP3 version of the same material.
Not only that – we are making our offer retroactive – anyone who has purchased CDs from our webstore in the past may receive links to downloadable MP3 files of the materials they have purchased. Just contact me at fo***@co**************.org and request the MP3 version of the CD(s) you purchased and I will email you the link(s).
In the coming months we will be adding more items from Gil Bailie’s Audio Archives to our webstore including Reflections on TS Eliot’s The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, Ash-Wednesday, Murder in the Cathedral, and The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock. We will also be adding more audio-book titles to Audible and other audio-book vendors.