27Apr Destiny…Man’s and God’s Kingdom April 27, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog Where others saw only superficial politics, Bernanos saw man’s eternal destiny and, indeed, the destiny of God’s Kingdom at stake....Read more
21Apr Our hidden faults… April 21, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog The great misfortune is that the justice of men always comes too late. It represses or stigmatizes certain acts, without...Read more
16Apr “Joy is in the gift of the Church” April 16, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog The shabbiest tuppeny doll will rejoice a baby’s heart for half the year, but your mature gentleman’ll go yawning his...Read more
14Apr Dialogue April 14, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog Let’s be honest: Crusaders for doctor-assisted suicide and gay rights are not interested in dialogue. Secular progressives demand unconditional surrender....Read more
13Apr A view of multiculturalism from 1925 April 13, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog The theory was that a Christian and a Mahometan might learn the same lessons in the same class, on ninety-nine...Read more
10Apr Pointing Beyond… April 10, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog Christ’s Cross is indeed not one historical fact among others to which a natural process can more or less arbitrarily...Read more
01Apr Paris Memorial for René Girard April 1, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog In February a memorial service for René Girard was held in Paris at l’église Saint-Germain des Prés. The YouTube video...Read more
18Mar Genocide of Christians in the Middle East March 18, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog Poster with a painting of Miss Liberty with sword overhead and American flag draped around her and child at her...Read more
12Mar Poverty March 12, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog The great Catholic theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar, quoting in passing the great Catholic novelist and essayist, George Bernanos: “The...Read more
11Mar Progressives, Conservatives and Patriots March 11, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog We are proving Chesterton right … again. “The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business...Read more
Destiny…Man’s and God’s Kingdom
Our hidden faults…
“Joy is in the gift of the Church”
A view of multiculturalism from 1925
Pointing Beyond…
Paris Memorial for René Girard
Genocide of Christians in the Middle East
Progressives, Conservatives and Patriots