07Oct The Battle of Lepanto October 7, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog The Battle of Lepanto took place on October 7th, 1571. Occupied by the Turks in 1498, Lepanto is chiefly celebrated...Read more
06Oct The Human Problem… October 6, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “Without God, without this personal and transcendent God in the world, this Spirit and Father God, who reveals himself first...Read more
04Oct Western Civilization and Christianity October 4, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “Let us state to begin with that our European civilization is basically Christian. It would be foolish to seek another...Read more
26Jun Utopia June 26, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “Those who advocate Utopia presume that they can become fathers of the future without having been children of the past.”...Read more
25Jun The best is yet to come. June 25, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog The Best Is Yet To Come, by Martin Nowak, DSPT Fellow and Professor at Harvard University...Read more
25Jun The Spirit of the Age June 25, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “It is easy to give way to the dominant tendency to surrender to the spirit of the age and the...Read more
24Jun It can be done. June 24, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “They had been men of little faith, with their continual questioning and their childish egotism; but now they went out...Read more
23Jun Meet the Anne Franks of Today June 23, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog “It is unconscionable to remain willfully ignorant and silent while these Yazidi and Nigerian girls suffer. Not only are they...Read more
22Jun Concerning the “Ecological” Path to Salvation June 22, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog By their fruits you shall know them. A lot of people who get paid to think logically, rationally, and lucidly...Read more
22Jun Thank Goodness Encyclicals Aren’t Binding On Catholics June 22, 2015 Gil Bailie Blog The Church exists to make us aware that Christ has profoundly altered mankind’s existential and eschatological circumstances and to help...Read more
The Battle of Lepanto
The Human Problem…
Western Civilization and Christianity
The best is yet to come.
The Spirit of the Age
It can be done.
Meet the Anne Franks of Today
Concerning the “Ecological” Path to Salvation
Thank Goodness Encyclicals Aren’t Binding On Catholics