22Sep Becoming worthy of the beauty of Being September 22, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Recently some friends of the Cornerstone Forum spent an hour with Gil Bailie in a group Skype call in which...Read more
31Aug Communicating Christian hope in a changing world August 31, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog We find ourselves back in the same situation as that which the Christians encountered during the decline of the ancient...Read more
28Aug Cancel Culture…draining the drama of meaning August 28, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “Since satisfactory answers have not been found apart from Christ, there is an attempt today to cancel the questions or...Read more
22Aug Fear of Death & Human Nature August 22, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Natural Law and Human Rights: Toward a Recovery of Practical Reason (Catholic Ideas for a Secular World) by Pierre Manent...Read more
14Aug + Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger 1926 – 2007 August 14, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Thirteen years ago this month Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger died. Gil Bailie wrote a short homage (copied below) on...Read more
05Aug Hostile to the very idea of human nature… August 5, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog Thirteen years ago after much deliberation Gil Bailie posted the following on our old web blog. In the intervening years...Read more
05Aug Human Nature August 5, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “Contrary to what our nihilists and relativists tell us, there is a human nature, and its resiliency is such that...Read more
21Jul The Intoxication of Violence July 21, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “Since satisfactory answers have not been found apart from Christ, there is an attempt today to cancel the questions or...Read more
14Jul Only the beginning… July 14, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “As unbelievers deny Revelation more decisively, as they put their denial into more consistent practice, it will become the more...Read more
04Jul On the Fourth of July in 2020 July 4, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog My thoughts in these troubled times are sober and sobering ones. Ours is a period in history fraught with peril...Read more
Becoming worthy of the beauty of Being
Communicating Christian hope in a changing world
Cancel Culture…draining the drama of meaning
Fear of Death & Human Nature
+ Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger 1926 – 2007
Hostile to the very idea of human nature…
Human Nature
The Intoxication of Violence
Only the beginning…
On the Fourth of July in 2020