22Jun From Faith to Politics to Gnosticism June 22, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “When mystery no longer counts,” then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said in a 1996 speech, “politics must be converted into religion.” When...Read more
15Jun Mimetic Tangles June 15, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “If we project our own mimetic tangles upon society as a whole, the more entangled we are, the more rigid...Read more
31May False Prophet May 31, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog In an earlier post Gil Bailie quoted from Hans Urs Von Balthasar suggesting Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s current role might...Read more
28May a solitary Christian…without earthly hope May 28, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog Rereading what Hans Urs von Balthasar (quoting in passing Dietrich Bonhoeffer) has written brings to mind the role that Pope...Read more
25May Memorial Day May 25, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Over the past months since Ash Wednesday we have had occasion to mentioned the nearness of death to each of...Read more
21May Death and Daily Laughter May 21, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog In 1921 G. K. Chesterton traveled to America for a lecture tour and upon his return wrote of his experiences...Read more
06May Funny Truths May 6, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog Benedict XVI Writing in the 1980s, Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) quoted a humorous couplet from the German...Read more
30Apr The Limitless Landscape of Poetry April 30, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog This lovely Richard Wilbur poem gives up new secrets every time I come back to it. Two Voices in a...Read more
24Apr Standing in awe . . . April 24, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog Imagine reading a splendid poem – using the adjective with all its richness – and being “struck” by its loveliness....Read more
17Apr Modification of Mortification April 17, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “The modification in the spiritual attitude that is contained in this transition from patristic to modern piety can be described...Read more
From Faith to Politics to Gnosticism
Mimetic Tangles
False Prophet
a solitary Christian…without earthly hope
Memorial Day
Death and Daily Laughter
Funny Truths
The Limitless Landscape of Poetry
Standing in awe . . .
Modification of Mortification