17Apr Modification of Mortification April 17, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog “The modification in the spiritual attitude that is contained in this transition from patristic to modern piety can be described...Read more
14Apr Spring Newsletter – Home Alone Edition April 14, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog New in our store this month are Gil Bailie’s Reflections on T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral and The Hollow...Read more
12Apr Alleluia! Christ is Risen! April 12, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Vonn Hartung shares a beautiful 10 minute meditation on the Stations of the Resurrection – the Via Lucis. Easter blessings!Read more
08Apr Memento mori April 8, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Remember that you too shall one day die… We come to the end of the time of Lent on Holy...Read more
05Apr Another entrée into Holy Week April 5, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog The Man Born to Be King, published toward the end of Dorothy Sayers’s prolific career, is a faithful account of...Read more
03Apr Preparing for Holy Week in isolation… April 3, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog We began Lent with a meditation by the late Dominican priest, Fr. Michael Morris, OP, on the Pieter Bruegel the...Read more
28Mar Some malady is coming upon us… March 28, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog from T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral – Part 1 But mostly we are left to our own devices....Read more
27Mar Virtual Via Dolorosa March 27, 2020 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog By following the link in the image above we may experience the traditional Lenten reflection on the Stations of the...Read more
25Mar Western Genius March 25, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog It is a good time to recall what the Stanford professor Robert Harrison has written in his fine book Juvenescence...Read more
23Mar Imagine…a virus stalking through the modern State March 23, 2020 Gil Bailie Blog On a virus of a different sort, no less mortally lethal and considerably more morally so: About the fate of...Read more
Modification of Mortification
Spring Newsletter – Home Alone Edition
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Memento mori
Another entrée into Holy Week
Preparing for Holy Week in isolation…
Some malady is coming upon us…
Virtual Via Dolorosa
Western Genius
Imagine…a virus stalking through the modern State