20Oct Ten Years Ago…. October 20, 2016 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog The Cornerstone Forum Board – Sonoma, August 2006 LtoR George Wesolek (d. 2014), Dr. Pat Tinker, William Shea, Tom Olp,...Read more
18Aug Shakespeare’s Sonnet 129 August 18, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog As an account of our fallen condition and the perennial temptation to escape into a utopian future, has Shakespeare’s sonnet...Read more
01Aug Unlimited Sovereignty of the Individual August 1, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog “We are probably the first, and we will surely remain the only, people in history to give over all elements...Read more
04Jul Ties That Bind vs individualism? July 4, 2016 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Some thoughts on the 240th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America. The ideas underlying the democratic...Read more
01Jul Remembering Ralph Stanley and Bill Cunningham July 1, 2016 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog Ralph Stanley Bill Cunningham Among the many who ended their earthly pilgrimages in the past week are the two men...Read more
19Jun Father’s Day Thoughts June 19, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog Here is something from Charles Péguy to consider on Father’s Day: There is only one adventurer in the world, as...Read more
09Jun Freedom exists June 9, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog Freedom exists, not that one might choose according to his or her passing desires, but that one might move toward...Read more
06Jun Péguy on The Modern World…and Playing Games with God June 6, 2016 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog The modern world as a whole is a world that thinks only about its own old age. It is a...Read more
05Jun Political Homelessness June 5, 2016 Randy Coleman-Riese Blog “Americans interested in neither nationalism nor socialism,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “are once more entering an era of political homelessness.” All...Read more
01Jun A Fool’s Errand June 1, 2016 Gil Bailie Blog The preeminent school of self-sacrificial love is the natural family, consisting of children born of the nuptial fidelity of their...Read more
Ten Years Ago….
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 129
Unlimited Sovereignty of the Individual
Ties That Bind vs individualism?
Remembering Ralph Stanley and Bill Cunningham
Father’s Day Thoughts
Freedom exists
Péguy on The Modern World…and Playing Games with God
Political Homelessness
A Fool’s Errand