Sources of Catholic Educational & Cultural Renewal – 2023
“Our world is in urgent need of the transformative light of the truth, which illuminates the mind and satisfies the heart. We therefore need a renewal of Catholic education from its deepest sources so that that light can pierce the shadows that encompass us, and reach the hearts and minds of our young people. As its name implies, Adeodatus is a Godsend for such renewal.” — Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.
In the summer of 2022 Rico McCahon and Randy Coleman-Riese attended the annual conferences of organizations involved in the Christian/Catholic liberal education renewal project. They were shepherded at these events by Alex Lessard who has deep and longstanding relationships within these groups. (Alex and Rico are in-coming executive co-directors of The Cornerstone Forum and will be guiding the Forum’s work in the coming years.) The breadth and vibrancy of the educational renewal movement was impressive, and we all came away wondering how the work of The Cornerstone Forum could facilitate or augment what was already known as ‘mimetic teaching’. We reviewed our experience in our 2021 Fall Appeal.
Next year, in June 2023, at what will be a very important and influential meeting of educators and those concerned about the education of Christian and Catholic young people, Adeodatus, a non-profit organization promoting this renewal, will hold its inaugural conference in Pasadena, California. If you or anyone you know would find this of interest, please let them know about this conference. The Cornerstone Forum will be sponsoring an informational and book display at the event. Discounted registration is available now through December 15th, and seating is limited. Click on the image above for complete details.