Spring Newsletter
Our Spring newsletter introduces a new series from Gil Bailie’s audio archives, Reflections on The Bible – from Slavery to Freedom: Encountering God in stories. This series was recorded in 1988 when Gil was just beginning to incorporate elements of René Girard’s mimetic theory into his work. We are making this first part of a four-part series available to everyone visiting our website in April. To receive this complimentary audio file just click on the link below and fill out the information requested in the check out page. The download is free!
In the coming months our donors and supporters will be receiving the remaining parts as downloadable MP3s, and our Sustaining Donors will be mailed the complete 4 CD set. If you are not currently receiving our monthly complimentary MP3s or mailed CDs and would like to do so please visit our Donations page on our website where you will find out how to support our efforts and receive these monthly complimentary MP3s and CDs.

Notes in the Margin:
Manuscript Update: The first draft of the manuscript Gil Bailie has been working on over the past five years is now complete. Our trusty and sharp-eyed editor has given it the once over and Gil is working through her suggestions in preparation for submitting the text to a publisher in the coming months. Of course, we hope a publisher will find the material worthy of their acceptance. When all of the details of deciding on the final title & subtitle and cover design are finalized we expect the earliest the book would be available to be in the first part of next year. There are still many hurdles to clear before then.
Education initiative: This summer, if the pandemic restrictions allow, we are planning to attend a conference of classical educators who have shown an interest in making materials Gil Bailie has produced over the years available in secondary school curricula. This potential outreach for our work is something we began thinking about twenty years ago. One of our supporters in the early 200o’s was the founder of a well respected private school who also inspired (and funded) the original Emmaus Road Initiative. Her enthusiasm for making our work accessible to a wider audience has been a continuing source of encouragement even after her passing. We have been blessed with many such friends and co-workers over the years without whose help we would not have been able to continue. Our gratitude for all who find our efforts worthy of support will never be adequately expressed in words. It is with hearts and minds filled with and motivated by that gratitude that we continue our work.