War & Peace in the New Year – and Changing of the Guards

A new year brings new challenges and opportunities both on the grand scale for our world and as well as for The Cornerstone Forum’s modest bark as we navigate the tumultuous seas of our times. Wars in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria have only recently succumbed to tenuous transitions from fighting to a wary waiting for what is next. While in Ukraine, Somalia, West Africa wars, insurrections, terrorism continue to grind away the lives of thousands every day. Alongside and underlying the man-made catastrophes of the material world a spiritual warfare for our souls is being fought which is often overlooked or considered irrelevant. For Christians the epistle of James chapter 4 brings the focus squarely on human sinfulness and the dark side of our desires, “Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members?” – James 4:1.
Here in America we are relieved that last November’s election was peaceful and the transfer of power upon the changing of the guards in Washington DC has proceeded without civil unrest. Our lives on the domestic level require a level of security, regularity and calm that for many in our world does not exist. While the peace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not synonymous with the cessation of hostilities (Matthew 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” – John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.”) we pray that for those many millions whose lives are torn by violence that a stop to the bloodletting may provide a chance for worldly and spiritual life to grow together and that the peace of Christ may dwell in human hearts.
Peace will come
With tranquility and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will bring us no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords
from Changing of the Guards by Bob Dylan (complete song: Changing of the Guards)
Gil Bailie continues working on his latest writing project, the details of which he keeps close to his vest while sharing the excitement of the continuing research on this. In the midst of his work, he has found time for other opportunities to contribute to furthering the legacy of René Girard. We recommend to all our friends the recently released documentary on Girard’s life wherein Gil makes a cameo appearance alongside many other friends and students of Professor Girard.
Things Hidden: The Life and Legacy of René Girard | Full Length Documentary